“Reducing climate emissions is no longer enough to halt the impacts of climate change. Many countries are realizing that its time to start adapting to a warming world” (United Nations Environment Programme – UNEP)
Climate Change & Adaptation
Adaptation to climate change is a solution to many other problems facing the indigenous pastoralists in Northern Kenya. For instance, the long dry spell in Laikipia and Samburu have resulted to resource based-conflict among various ethnic groups. The recent conflict involving pastoral communities and private ranch owners in Laikipia could be avoided if more efforts are put to sensitize pastoralists on the need to reduce the number of livestock to a manageable size especially during drought.
Communities can also mitigate on climate change by conserving the environment, planting of trees and coming up with grazing plans to avoid depletion of the scarce natural resources. CSI will continue to engage the local leaders and indigenous communities at large with a view to promote climate change awareness, mitigation and adaptation.
To reduce the effects of climate change, CSI shall engage with indigenous communities through their traditional leaders and help them establish various working committees to foresee use of pasture for livestock, safeguarding community forests, strengthening partnership with National and County governments in planting trees and protection of wildlife.